@inproceedings{monteiro_et_al_wodes_14, author = {Pedro T. Monteiro and Wassim Abou-Jaoud\'e and Denis Thieffry and Claudine Chaouiya}, title = {Model Checking Logical Regulatory Networks}, booktitle = {12th IFAC - IEEE International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems ({WODES})}, year = {2014}, pages = {170--175}, editor = {Lesage, Jean-Jacques and Faure, Jean-Marc and Cury, Jose E. R. and Lennartson, Bengt}, publisher = {}, series = {}, volume = {47}, abstract = {Regulatory and signalling networks control cell behaviours in response to environmental cues. The logical formalism has been widely employed to study these interaction networks, which are modelled as discrete dynamical systems. While biologists identify networks encompassing more and more components, properties of biological relevance become hard to verify. Here, we report on the use of model-checking techniques to address this challenge. This approach is illustrated by an application dealing with the modelling of T-helper lymphocyte differentiation. }